Essential Workers during COVID19

~Bettie Cunningham~4/12/2020~

Disabilities Advocate, The Arc NW

One day we awakened from everyday norms

To find in our midst, an enemy has formed;

An enemy called COVID19

Moves to and fro, like none we have seen.

This elusive enemy with its deceptive symptoms,

Masquerading as the flu, it eludes our wisdom.

It has sickened many and stolen too many lives.

In hospital beds a many have died.

Friends and mothers and fathers and sons;

From China to Italy and still not done.

From New York to Michigan and so many others

Lay in hospital beds, our daughters and brothers.


Yet, amidst all of this chaos and mass confusion

Essential workersfight to combat the illusion.

They are direct care workers, police, doctors and nurses

Who risk their lives as they continue to serve us.

They are restaurant workersand those who stock shelves,

Who report to work every day, risking themselves.

They are pharmacists and bankersstill working the clock.

Amidst COVID19, not all work has stopped!


There are so many othersworking behind the scenes,

Who work but aren’t necessarily seen.

They, too,  are at risk of contracting this thing;

This elusive virus, called COVID19.

So, for those of us who are working from home or not working at all,

Let us not forget those who are answering the call;

Those who leave their homes to serve or protect…

Let us not forget to show them some respect.

Be patient as they serve you and kind as they work

For it is us they are called to serve, so please don’t be a jerk.

Be sure to mind your manners and it won’t hurt to wear a smile.

Be appreciative of essential workers, as they go the extra mile.

And if you pray, say a special prayer for every one of them

For their continued work gives us a bit of ‘normal’ amidst all of this mayhem.

And just remember, any act of kindness will go a very long way

And could be the one thing to make an essential worker’s day.


Yes, this is a tough time for all of us. It is! It is indeed;

With the closure of businesses, ‘Social Distancing’ and‘Stay at Home’pleads.

As we wear masks and gloves while remaining 6 feet apart,

Know that this is not the cure, this is just a start.

Remember, we are all links in this fence of life but together we are strong,

As we work together towards the day, when COVID19 is gone.

Yes, we are in this fight together; some up front, some behind the scenes.

Let’s give some elbow shakes, fist daps, thank yous and hand claps


Essential Workers during COVID19.