Resources during the COVID-19 Crisis
In this time of uncertainty, The Arc of Northwest Wayne County is here for you. We hope this list of resources is helpful, and we will add to it as more become available.
The Arc NW staff will be working off site in response to the State of Michigan order, “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. The best way to reach us is through email. If you need additional help, please contact us at 313-532-7915, ext. 203.
Family and Caregiver Resources
- As a parent or caregiver of child or teen with a disability during COVID-19, you may be facing new challenges. Here are some tips from our Arc NW advocates we hope may help: Parenting During COVID-19.
- Caregiver in Action has a list of tips and resources for family members or direct care workers providing care during this time: https://caregiveraction.org/covid-19
- The Arc US website has current federal information on COVID-19 as well as resources for individuals with I/DD, caregivers and families including plain language materials: https://thearc.org/covid/
- The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute has a comprehensive collection of resources to help familes, caregivers, and people with disabilities: https://ddi.wayne.edu/covid19.
- An illustrated COVID-19 informational booklet written for and illustrated by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to help people understand COVID-19:
https://selfadvocacyinfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Plain-Language-Information-on-Coronavirus.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2U-Hc1olygO2taaFa-U1CGxg9DxejB_e_60RDcPz2vdiB6Qcpw8NHXUVo&blm_aid=526347 - If you or your family struggling with food, shelter, utilities, or other concerns, please check out United Way 2-1-1 website or call 2-1-1 on your phone to get help.
- Wayne State University’s School of Social Work has put together a list of resources that are providing energy, financial, food, health housing, internet/cell phone service, mental health counseling, transportation, unemployment, and water resources for Macomb, Wayne, and Oakland Counties: https://socialwork.wayne.edu/coronavirus/resources?utm_source=link&utm_medium=email-5e8e1f1348e10&utm_campaign=Wednesday%2C+April+8%2C+2020%2C+-+Today%40Wayne+-+Wayne+State+Universit&utm_content=Social+Work+creates+Detroit+area+resource+list+to+support+those
The Michigan Alliance for Families has parent, community, special education, and student resources to help during this crisis at: https://www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/covid19/.
Unemployment during COVID-19
- The State of Michigan has issued an FAQ helping employees with questions about unemployment:
https://www.michigan.gov/documents/leo/COVID_FAQ_for_Employees_684470_7.pdf - The State of Michigan has also provide a Fact Sheet covering the basics of how to make a claim: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/uia/160_-_Claiming_UI_Benefit_In_Michigan_-_Jan2014_444213_7.pdf
- If you decided to make a claim and apply for unemployment, follow the link and click the box “For employees” on left: https://www.michigan.gov/leo/0,5863,7-336-78421_97241—,00.html
- If you are a direct care worker, be sure to enter the name of the person with the disability NOT The Arc of Northwest Wayne County. As the employee, you are required to make a claim and complete the form for unemployment – it cannot be completed by the employer. Our staff are available to help if you have further questions.
- If you are a a person with a disability who receives social security benefits, you may still apply for unemployment if laid off from a job
Other Benefits
- If you or someone you know has access to food assistance benefits, these benefits have been increased for the months of March and April: https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163-523398–,00.html?fbclid=IwAR2ZnOTc1Ot_KxL0NMKGwuaM6uDERz9VZaekIdMJdPnu-5gphdEyiRshUFw
- The Social Security Administration is providing useful and current information about benefits during coronavirus: https://www.ssa.gov/coronavirus/
- The U.S. Department of Treasury has some detailed information about social security and stimulus checks: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm967
- From the Institute on Employment and Disability at Cornell University comes a resource to help explain COVID-19 and its impact on benefits: COVID-19 and Social Insurance and Benefit Programs.
- COVID-19 AND SOCIAL INSURANCE AND BENEFIT PROGRAMS With ongoing impact of COVID-19 still not fully understood by the community at large, individuals with disabilities who regularly access a series of public benefits are left with a variety of questions about the impact of the various federal and state legislative and administrative actions on these various benefits. Key language in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) serves as a guidepost from which the impact on benefits can be better understood.