Financial Literacy Workshop “Financial Safety” May 25, 2021
Use this link to register for the Annual Meeting:
Sign up now for March 3 - 4 Sign up now for March 10 - 15 Consent Form
For more information or to register, please contact Bettie Cunningham: Email or call The Arc NW at 313-532-7915 ext. 204
For the past few months, STEP Thrift stores have done a promotion they are calling "Double Your Difference," where they partner with another non-profit and donate a percentage of their sales for the month to the other non-profit. Because March is Developmental Disability Awareness month, they want to partner with the local Arcs. We are [...]
Hello to each of you! We, at The Arc NW, are gearing up to launch our Financial Literacy workshops in partnership with Bank of America by the end of March of this year. The initial plan was for the workshops to be held in person but due to COVID-19, they will be held virtually via [...]
"After more than eight months since a national emergency was declared due to the COVID-19 pandemic, how are you coping on the job? What do you need? Are you working more hours? The National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP), in partnership with the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota, is conducting [...]