Poker/Millionaire Party Volunteers Needed

Volunteers for The Arc NW's Athletic Program arrange and direct poker/millionaire parties that raise funds to support our athletes by purchasing uniforms, practice venues, tournament fees, and more. Please help us raise funds by volunteering for one or more of the following events. Email Pat Zagar ( with your availability. You don't have to commit [...]

By |2016-12-14T16:55:08+00:00December 12th, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on Poker/Millionaire Party Volunteers Needed

Can you contribute? The Arc NW Annual Appeal

Read the full issue of The Arc NW Dec./Jan. Newsletter, including the Annual Appeal letter. From the Staff and Board of Directors, from the Volunteers and our Membership - We Thank You! Together, we are The Arc NW.

By |2016-12-07T21:17:22+00:00December 7th, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on Can you contribute? The Arc NW Annual Appeal

Use Smile.Amazon for the Holidays

The holidays are approaching and you will be busy shopping for gifts, decorations, and more. By shopping at, Arc of Northwest Wayne County can increase its AmazonSmile donations. #StartWithaSmile at for your holiday gifts and Amazon donates to Arc of Northwest Wayne County.

By |2016-12-09T23:52:46+00:00December 3rd, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on Use Smile.Amazon for the Holidays

December 2016 Calendar of Events

Check In as New Items Will Be Added ~ Dec. 8  -  After I'm Gone. 6:30pm @ The Skill Center Topic: "Transition Planning" Dec. 10  -  Just Fun Club Christmas Dinner Dance Dec. 13  -  The Arc NW Board Meeting & Holiday Party Dec. 15  -  After I'm Gone. 6:30pm @ The Skill Center  Topic: [...]

By |2016-12-12T13:24:40+00:00December 3rd, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on December 2016 Calendar of Events

November 2016 Calendar of Events

Nov. 1 – Michigan citizens with disabilities can begin enrolling in the MiABLE program. This provides a financial opportunity for people to save money towards disability-related expenses without their benefits being impacted (with some exceptions). Go to for more details and enrollment information. Nov. 7 – NOTE Change of Date for The Arc NW [...]

By |2016-11-20T22:45:47+00:00November 20th, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on November 2016 Calendar of Events

Smile.Amazon for the Holidays

The holidays are approaching and you will be busy shopping for gifts, decorations, and more. By shopping at, Arc of Northwest Wayne County can increase its AmazonSmile donations. #StartWithaSmile at for your holiday gifts and Amazon donates to Arc of Northwest Wayne County.    

By |2016-12-03T15:05:21+00:00November 9th, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on Smile.Amazon for the Holidays

Survey OF The I/DD Community in Michigan

Dear I/DD community member, You are being invited to participate in a survey of the intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) community in Michigan. We are asking people with developmental disabilities, their family members, service providers and advocates to complete a survey that asks about what is most important to them and the State of Michigan. The purpose [...]

By |2016-11-21T15:52:55+00:00November 9th, 2016|News & Events, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Survey OF The I/DD Community in Michigan

Shop to Benefit The Arc NW

Are you already an customer? Did you know that you can designate Arc of Northwest Wayne County to receive a donation for every purchase you make online through Amazon's program  It is true - and very easy to do. Just click on the link and follow the directions for making donations to an organization of [...]

By |2016-11-01T20:33:43+00:00November 1st, 2016|News & Events|Comments Off on Shop to Benefit The Arc NW
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