The Arc NW Athletic Program Guidelines

Special Olympics Forms

Athlete Health Application for Participation

Effective immediately this is the new health form for our athletes.   New athletes and current athletes that have an expired health form MUST use this new form.  All athletes that have current health forms do not need to complete a new one, but once their current one expires this new form has to be completed.  You will notice that it is a longer form (6 pages) but it is also more thorough.  There is more medical information for parents/guardians to complete, as well as more for the doctor to complete.

All Volunteers in The Arc NW Athletic Program must complete and submit an Application form and a Background check form.

Volunteer Application

Volunteer Background Check Form


In addition, Special Olympics Michigan requires that Athletes and Volunteers fill out and submit another set of forms prior to participation.

Special Olympics Michigan 

From the Special Olympics Michigan page, Click on the tab  “Sports” and then on the pull-down “Coach’s Corner”.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to the area titled Documents and click on Volunteer ‘A’ and Unified Partner Form.
