Executive Director: Gretchen Sanewsky
Gretchen brings extensive experience developing inclusive faith communities and serving adults with disabilities in healthcare settings. She is committed to expanding on the Arc’s strong foundation to grow efforts in building inclusive communities through advocacy, support, and information.

Business Administrator: Latrice Wilborn
Latrice manages The Arc NW’s office and Financial Management Services. Latrice also helps individuals control and maintain needed financial supports including Social Security and Medicaid benefits.

Development Director: Paula Brown
Paula manages relationships with donors, provides oversight to fundraising strategies, and oversees donor campaigns to grow the organization.

Advocacy Director: Bettie Cunningham
Bettie helps individuals and their families navigate the special education and community mental health systems. She has a special passion for financial coaching.

Advocate: Khalilah Montgomery
Khalilah has professional and personal experience supporting families and students with disabilities. She advocates alongside families to ensure free and appropriate education and has a passion for empowering families to advocate for themselves.

Payroll Clerk: Kay Williams
Kay works with The Arc NW’s Financial Management Services preparing payroll for the Direct Support Professionals who support individuals with disabilities.

Intake Specialist: Lisa King
Lisa works with The Arc NW’s Financial Management Services assisting Direct Support Professionals to complete employment agreements, financial documents, and maintain required trainings.

Accounting/Claims Coordinator: Amy Pomicter
Helps maintain and submit required Medicaid documentation managed by The Arc NW Financial Management Services that supports individual budgets.

Lekotek Transition Leader: Lana Richardson
Lana consults for play sessions and toy lending, and she provides administrative support to the Just Fun Club and Athletic Program.

Lekotek Program Coordinator: Brianna Keller-Fields

Lekotek Librarian: Katie Perkins
Katie sanitizes and organizes over 2,000 toys in the Lekotek toy library. She maintains the toy storage areas and play rooms so everyone can enjoy a clean and safe play environment. Katie also maintains The Arc NW offices.

Accounts Payable Clerk: Nichole Mayfield
Nichole works with The Arc NW’s Financial Management Services and is responsible to pay household expenses, consumables, and manage worker’s compensation.

Administrative Assistant: Danielle Zinser
Danielle is the first person to greet you on the phone or when you visit the building in person. She maintains our database and social media and supports all The Arc NW programs.