Hello to each of you!

We, at The Arc NW, are gearing up to launch our Financial Literacy workshops in partnership with Bank of America by the end of March of this year. The initial plan was for the workshops to be held in person but due to COVID-19, they will be held virtually via Zoom or another online platform. The workshops will cover topics such as budgeting, saving, debt reduction, credit cards, understanding Needs vs. Wants and other financial topics. The workshops are about 60 minutes long. All services are FREE.

If you would like to learn how to improve your money management skills,  please contact me via phone or email (as listed below) for a brief survey.. We would enjoy having you join us!

Please share this good news with others as well.

Stay tuned…. Be safe…. and…Be empowered.


Bettie Cunningham, LBSW

Disabilities Advocate

Certified Financial Coach/Counselor

Office: (313) 532-7915, ext. 204

Email: bcunningham@thearcnw.org